

I have been around message boards for a long time and personally know of the hassles of running and being a part of an online community. The whole business aspect of it, dealing with DT calls and seeing the same flood of names follow each other from one call to another... "oh, I just LOOOOVVVVVEEEE it here, I'll NEVER leave..." :shudder and eye roll: And, rebel that I am, I find myself going in the opposite direction... as these sites hold DT calls, I split, at least until the call is over. Look, I get it, it's business. But the drama! OY! If only there were a place where no one was trying to sell me something, a place where I could be inspired and challenged and just have FUN... WAIT! There IS!

Paperie Escape is a brand new site that my friends Stace, Summer and Rita have just started. I'm so excited because I can tell you, these ladies are so much fun and super talented. And fun! Did I say fun?! Oh, alright, on to the details... this is where you can find me hanging out. No drama, just fun. I hope you'll come over to play with me and check them out! :-)


  1. that actually does sound fun - sometimes I just want to go and chat and not "promote" something or have someone promote something to me.....and I do the same thing you do, if I'm on a site I leave for awhile as the call goes on then I go back when its over. I'll go check this one out...;)

  2. Hey lady!!! Long time no talk to. Life has been CRAZY around here & online time has been pretty non-existent!! I miss you & think about you every single day!!!

    I signed up & am waiting for approval!!

  3. Hi Suzanne - I miss you too. I registered and am awaiting approval. ttys

  4. Hi Suzanne - I miss you too. I registered and am awaiting approval. ttys
