YITL challenge #44
Please post the link to your creation here when you're finished so we can see! :-)
The rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. List 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are six random things about me:
1. I got my haircut today! Did you see my new profile photo? :-)
2. I've homeschooled our children for 12 years.
3. I have four teenagers. FAINT!
4. Thanks to my Year in the Life blog, I'm tired of taking photos at ALL, let alone every day. :-(
5. I have a glass of water on my nightstand at bedtime each night, but never drink any of it. LOL
6. I hate shopping, of any kind, even scrappy shopping.
Okay, ordinarily I wouldn't tag anyone, but seeing as how some of my pals haven't updated their blogs recently... I'll tag Stace, Terri and Jessie for sure! :-D
Blog challenge #44
Hmmm, not sure I agree with mine entirely. What do you think?
What Your Cute Monster Says About You |
You are a vibrant, vivacious person. When you live, you live as wildly and loudly as possible. You are very bold. You are willing to stand up and be a leader. Your inner demon is intensity. You have a tendency to let your passions take over. People think you're cute because you're fiery. When you get worked up, it's charming. |
My "Spooky" card
YITL challenge #43
Link up your boo-tiful creation here when you're finished so we can all see! :-)
Paperie Escape is a brand new site that my friends Stace, Summer and Rita have just started. I'm so excited because I can tell you, these ladies are so much fun and super talented. And fun! Did I say fun?! Oh, alright, on to the details... this is where you can find me hanging out. No drama, just fun. I hope you'll come over to play with me and check them out! :-)
My "Orange" card
New creations
Or this, for the music challenge... I used a song title for my title, but then didn't follow the rest of the challenge directions. LOL
I won several cool prizes, so thanks again to Kari and the nice ladies at Urban Anthology! :-)
Okay, y'all! Remember how I said I'd NEVER buy a kit? Ummm, yea, well, never mind that. :bag over head: Thanks to my friend Colleen, I went back on my word. I swear, if you look at it, you'll totally understand WHY. It wasn't my fault! I was totally tempted by this AMAZING and AWESOME "Hometown" kit from Scrapbook Deals 4 You. FAINT! Am I right? Huh, huh, am I? Wowwie! I got my kit yesterday and couldn't WAIT to create with it, even though I didn't really have good photos to scrap with. Did that stop me? Of course not. LOL
Thanks for looking, and I hope all my scrappy friends had a wonderfully scrappy weekend! :-)
Andie MacDowell
Goodbye blond, hello red!
I'm so proud of my baby! She's done this whole gig all on her own since I wasn't allowed to go into the show with her. And although she was overwhelmed the first day (prep day, when they colored her hair THREE times to get it right! FAINT!), she got the hang of things and managed to become the lead runway model for not one, not two, but three shows! Way to go, girlie!
Without further ado, as promised, here are Caitlyns before and after photos.
Friday night, after getting word that she was chosen as one of 3 KMS Goldwell's models.
After her color and cut:
Michael did a FABULOUS job taking care of Caitlyn. When Caitlyn asked him to pose with her for a photo, first he checked his hair, and then he floofed her hair. LOL I'm now known as "the rabid scrapper" because of all the photos I asked her to take. :-D
She's got one more day and is already sad to see it ending. She's made lots of new friends and has had a total blast!
Exciting news to share!
For the next three days, Caitlyn will be a working girl, fulfilling her dream of becoming a model! She's had other opportunities, but this opportunity will pay her a gross amount of money considering she is only 14 years old! Even they were surprised, which brought on a whole 'nother set of forms to be filled out by me. LOL
Take a good look because the next photo I post here, she'll have a whole new look! :-)
YITL challenge #41
Post the link to your creation here when you're finished. Can't wait to see your cards! :-)
Do, re, mi
As a mom to four children, I've made all of my children take some manner of music. Seems like I've heard its good for children SOMEhow. They all hated it, just like their mom. LOL I didn't care what they took, it was their choice, but they had to take SOMEthing musical. So we've tried piano, violin and guitar lessons.
The funniest story is on my oldest daughter. When the movie "Titanic" came out, she absolutely INSISTED on taking violin lessons. We found an instructor, and bought a brand new violin from Ebay to the tune of $100. Of course, she didn't teach music from the "Titanic" right off the bat. No, it was the chords. Do, re, mi, fa, so... So, one month after the investment of time and money, bye bye violin lessons. :-D
I can't really say that they, or I, regret having music forced upon us. Maybe it taught us a lesson. Maybe its that we appreciate all types of music because we've all gone through the experience of knowing what the art of performing is. :-)
Blog challenge #41
Another recipe album project
Happy Cardmaking Day!
My "Sweet" card
Today is my birthday...
Of course, that just all pretend, because in reality, everyone makes a fuss over me. I'm not allowed to do laundry, or clean, or cook. They'd make me open the presents they tormented over and I almost always cry at the handmade cards.
In either case, I'm loved. :-)