
This is why

Jews shouldn't be allowed to make Christmas decorations! LOL Oh, go ahead,laugh! It's funny! :-D I thought I'd surprise the hubs by making these and putting them on the mantle. Uh, yea, NOT happening.

This is what it was SUPPOSED to look like:


LOL! Yea, it's in the trash. Kinda makes the argument for using a scorer.

Here are a couple of other holiday projects I finished. Grams Hanukkah card, complete with pop up dreidel in the middle! She'll love it, after all, she's 97 years old. I could scribble on a piece of paper and she'd love it. The most important thing will be on the inside, a photo of her first great, GREAT grandson. :-)

And this {what would you call this?} tag for a challenge on Challenge Masters. I decided to turn it into a wine bottle gift tag? Sure, we'll go with that uber long name. Of course, I don't know any Jews in real life, so I guess I'll have to give this bottle of wine to ME! LOL

My friend Amy Bender sent me some VERY cool Savor from LYB. I neglected chores because I couldn't wait to get into it! Thank you Amy! :-)

Thank you all very much for your hugs and condolences. I appreciate you all! :-) Thanks for stopping by and if I don't get a chance to come back before next Thursday, I wish all of my scrappy friends a very bountiful and joyous Thanksgiving. Hug the ones you're with!


  1. Okay, I laughed. Yes indeed I did!!! Ummm, your tree, uuuhhh, well, good try?

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. LMBO at Kristie..too funny.

    I'll skip right on by and go to the card ;) ..lol

    Awesome card Suzanne I have never made a pop up card...love the gold as well.

    I'm not Jewish either..but I'll take the bottle of wine if it's white..LOL I don't like reds..well I do but gives me a headache..so I usually stick with white. That is an awesome tag. I was gonna do that challenge, but got working on the ornaments :(.

  3. Suzanne. Suzanne. Suzanne. :) I love ya for making me laugh. Your tree is like the Charlie Brown version of Martha's. Love it.

  4. I think that it is great! You should have told you DH that it was a Hanukkah Bush! My old boss in New Jersey had a "Hanukkah Bush" that he would put up every year...and his wife would make the best latkas! Mmmmm...the memories...
    Love the dreidel card! The pop up is awesome! The cut in the bottom looks just like the point! Great job!

  5. Lol...Hey, at least you tried something new right? Cute layout and your card and tagamajigger are super cool! Wow...neat how they are 3-dish! :-)

  6. Super jealous of the LYB paper :)

    {This is me being nice and not making fun of your trees! Love that inspiration photo though ;)}

    Wine bottle gift tag - perfect excuse to buy more wine!

  7. Well at least you tried! Told you it would be worth it to post it LOL!

    I'm very amused by the pop up dreidel...very cool.

  8. Those look real cool. I agree maybe if you scored them harder or maybe added som glue to hold them down???
    Your card turned out perfect though ;)

  9. You always crack me up girl! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!((hugs))

  10. Aw, you didn't keep the tree??? Great attempt though! he he....I hope you had a wonderful THanksgivining!
