
Blog challenge # 18

What is your all time favorite movie? Write a review about it and convince your readers to see the movie.


My "Lucky" card

I indeed feel lucky for my family and friends, those are a given. I appreciate you all! I feel fortunate to be able to stay home and teach my children and the precious and few moments Glen and I are able to steal alone together. We mostly just sit together in solitude, but we do it together. And I particularly feel lucky that we are all healthy. I just completed two pages for a gift album for a friend of a friend who has just had a double mastectomy and has months of chemo treatments ahead of her. My little head cold pales in comparison, so I am so lucky to have so many blessings!

YITL challenge #17


I can't believe we've completed 4 months already, but I'm happy to see so many are still playing along! Be sure to link here to your creation when you're finished, we wanna see too! :-)


January 28, 1986

I'll never forget it as long as I live. I was working at Parkway Federal Savings Bank in Ft. Myers, FL and as always on shuttle launch days, I'd step outside to watch the launch. It was a particularly pretty day and moments after lift off of the Space Shuttle Challenger, this is what I saw... (photo courtesy of CNN)

My co-workers and I were stunned. Something had gone terriby wrong. We ran back inside the bank and turned the tv on in the break room to watch the horrifying details come in. Ronald Reagan summed up the tragedy best...

"We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."


Blog challenge # 17

Where were you when something incredibly important happened on a worldy level? (i.e. the assassination of Kennedy, the destruction of the World Trade Centers, The Challenger explosion, etc.) Write about it.


Lickety Split

We have a lot of pets, but I'd like to introduce you to Lickety Split. This cat is chock full of personality! She was a birthday present for Caitlyn's 5th birthday and she has ZIP, thus her name! When we first brought her home, she was sick, which caused her to go diarrhea all over the house, so I took her to the vet and said "keep her til she's better." After a few days, she was all fixed up and they called to say I could pick up Lickety Shit, which is what they affectionately nicknamed her. LOL

She would zip here and there and everywhere. She eventually learned how to turn on lights and open closed doors. We'd turn off the lights to go to bed and all of a sudden the lights would turn on. We thought the kids were messing with us, but NO, we actually have seen her do it!

Theres no nice way to say it, she is a bitch. She's unfriendly and arrogant but likes to be near people, just so long as you don't look at her, touch her or talk to her.

One time, right after getting one of those automatic cleaning litter boxes, I thought it would be interesting to see what she would do if she were in the box while it was cleaning. I found out soon enough... she BITES! I had to go to the doctor for a steroid shot and the doctor just shook his head when I told him what had happened. LOL And yes, I learned my lesson and didn't do that again! Now she's an outside cat. :-D


My "Life" card

In honor of Passover, I took a photo of my glass of wine and used a transparency with a verse from the song from "Fiddler on the Roof" over it.


This is the big weekend!

Oh PLEASE come play with me at the Springdango Crop! I will be co-hosting the first game and the last challenge and it's going to be so much FUN! And now you know my plans for this weekend! :-D

YITL challenge #16


Be sure to comment here with a link to your card when you're finished so we can see! :-)


Blog challenge # 16

Do you have pets? If so, how did they come to be furry family? Write about them and their personalities. If not, write about a past pet that touched your heart. Please include photos!


Love me some sketches!

This is week 15 of 52 Sketches. I love Julies sketches and this one worked perfectly for Caitlyn's toddler to teen album! Thanks for the inspiration Julie! :-)


White space

My friend Lisa from 123-Scrap sent me some Grungeboard as a RAK, which inspired me to scrap today. Thanks for the nudge Lisa! :-) I've been wanting to experiment with a "white space" layout and this Prima Paintable paper made it super easy. It fit in nicely with Lisa's "neutral" challenge on Scrapdango. Thanks to my friend Marci for the MM sticker letters, and to my kids, who tolerated old mom dressing them in lederhosen and making them clog to The Lonely Goatherd! :-D


My "Bloom" card

I tried a new technique (new for me) of stamping on a transparency and embellishing it. Probably won't be trying that again. The sealer I used on top nearly knocked me out! :-D I think I'm happy with it because of the Basic Grey paper though and again, a little reminder for myself. :-)

YITL challenge #15


Be sure to comment here with a link to your card when you're finished so we can ooh and ahh. :-)


Where, oh where!

Did my diamond necklace go? The last time I remember seeing it was 15 years ago, when we lived in Pennsylvannia. I searched high and lo with no luck. My Gram bought me a diamond ring for my Sweet 16 and I never took it off. Until Glen had my birthstone remounted in my 1st wedding band and had my wedding diamond mounted in a new setting. It was then that I knew I couldn't bear being without my diamond from Gram, so I had the setting cut off the ring and put on a gold chain. Not too long after that, the necklace was GONE! I was just sick about it and looked absolutely everywhere and 15 years later, I STILL long for that special piece of jewelry. :-( If anyone in Pennsylvannia found a pear shaped diamond necklace, could you please return it to me?


Blog challenge # 15

Have you ever lost anything special? What was it? Did you ever find it?


Save the date!

Join me and the girls for some fun! :-)


Practical jokes

I consider myself to be a realist, bordering on skeptical even. People who know me tend to love me or hate me because I generally say what's on my mind, and even if I don't SAY it, I apparently have a really bad poker face. I'm usually on the giving end of pranks. So why is it that people think I am gullible? Umm, probably because I can be. LOL

Back in 1987, DH and I flew to New Mexico so I could meet my future inlaws for the first time. We were both a little on edge because DH had told them I was Jewish and his mother wanted to know if I was "dark." Huh? How rude! My mind was made up about her; we weren't going to like each other. So, we arrived and are informed that DH would be over in THAT room and I would be in THIS room. Okay, whatev... we're engaged and currently living together, but it's their house. Are we having fun yet? So, the evening progresses and the men excuse themselves to go to bed, leaving me to chat in the kitchen with his mother and sister. Oh my gosh, we stayed up to the wee hours, talking and drinking wine and laughing. Everything is going to be okay. Finally, after hours of visiting, we finally hit the hay. As I climb into bed, there is DH, sleeping soundly, in MY bedroom! LOL He woke up enough to want to know details... did we like each other, what did I think, blah, blah, blah, when all of a sudden, we hear tapping on DHs bedroom door, down the hall. Oh no! We've been BUSTED! Again, tap, tap, tap on the door. DH gets out of bed and tiptoes down the hall and taps his sister on her shoulder. Needless to say, in the dead of night, he scared the bejeebers out of her! Well, she agreed to keep her mouth shut and the alternative sleeping arrangements, but hatched up a plan to get even the next day.

The day dawned bright and beautiful and after my shower, I made my way into the kitchen for coffee and good mornings. There was a beautiful spread on the buffet, including jackalope eggs, which resembled square hard boiled eggs. Whats that? You've never heard of jackalopes?? Well, let me tell ya! These animals live on the mesa and lay square eggs! It's amazing but TRUE!!!

Well, I fell for it, hook, line and sinker and they all had a big old gut buster of a laugh over it. Hmphf. They owned a kitchen shop and actually sold a cool little gadget that made eggs square. But that was the beginning of many years of pranks that go both ways.

Like the time DHs dad told him to buy some car parts from JC Whitney and told him to wrap the gift himself. Somehow, his sister got wind of the plan, UNwrapped the gift, took the parts out and replaced them with tampons. Imagine the shock on DHs and his dads face when he opened that box!

Like the time all 5 brothers and sisters lined up on the sofa and stuck their shoes on their knees when meeting a future SIL.

And so it still goes... Today, DD is coming home from college to pick up the truck that her grandfather has gifted to her. He says to me, "wouldn't it be fun to go to the dump and pick up a green junky truck and tell her that we let her brother drive it for the last month?" Hee hee! Even at 84, he's got a quick wit. Laughter is the best medicine! :-D


My "Fun" card

This weeks word was easy for me. The most fun we have as a family is enjoying our pool together. We are in the process of getting the pool ready for another season. :-)


YITL challenge #14


Post the link to your card here when you're finished. I can't wait to see your cards! :-)


Blog challenge # 14

April Fools! What memory does the word 'prank' stir up for you? Write about a time someone played a prank on you or you played a prank on someone else.