
The only thing worse than having kids old enough to trick or treat is having kids who are too old to trick or treat but then insist on trick or treating at the last minute. Hmphf. (Have I mentioned how much I detest Halloween?) My girls dug out dance costumes from last year. Caitlyn was a fairy (duh!) and Peyton was Betty Rubble. (LOL)

Oh well, who am I to say no, especially if it means a layout in the making! :-) Happy Halloween!


New Design Team on Feeling Scrappy!

Oh, how Jayne and I hate choosing new design team members! It's always SO hard, the talent is immense out there! But, choose a new team we did. Niki and Bethany did Feeling Scrappy proud; they are both extremely talented and inspired our members. We will miss them! But our new team will give them a run for their money! Andrea and Stacey have been constant inspirations on the board and in class. Here is just one example... Stacey posted this layout on her blog and I loved it right away!

Here is my scraplift...

I was happy with this particular lift, although the preceeding one didn't go as well. It's not that the inspiration wasn't there; it certainly was, which is what made me attempt it. Such is the life of a lifter! LOL

I do hope that y'all will come by and welcome our new team! They really are amazing women! Good luck ladies. Inspire on! :-)


Pumpkins Eaters!

Well, just the seeds! LOL Our family isn't big into Halloween (I mean...why do the work for the candy? Just go buy a big ole bag at the store!) but we LOVE it when it's pumpkin time so we can roast the seeds! I hope y'all aren't throwing those seeds away. If you've never roasted seeds, it's super easy. Just wash them, dry them and lay them in a single layer on a cookie sheet. I use about 10 slivers of butter and sprinkle all over the top. Salt. We're VERY generous with the salt! Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until they look dry, but you have to make sure to stir about every 5 minutes. YUMMY!

Have a happy and safe Halloween! :-)


Simply Caitlyn

And let me tell ya! There is nothing simple about this girl. She is high maintenance! LOL But she's SO sweet and loving and always has been. Since she's been about 5 years old, she's been confident that she wanted to be a model. Well, okay, a dream is a dream, but knowing what I do of the industry, I knew that they would eat her alive. So, hubby and I just went along with it... wink, wink, sure honey, you can do anything you put your mind to. Well, she actually did it. I'll admit, I'm still leery, but after two open calls and two call backs, she has now signed with an agent. You've heard of soccer moms? Dance moms? Yea, I'm a model mom. LOL

Here is a layout I did using a technique from the Feeling Scrappy class going on right now.

Also, there still time to try out for the design team call! Hurry, hurry! The call ends Oct. 22nd!


Did some scrapping today!

Glen brought me these photos from the office of the day they billed a half a million dollars for tax credits. The deal was, bill a half a million and the senior staff will host a Luau complete with management doing the hula in grass skirts. Hmm, motivation? Or NOT? LOL It must have been, because they did it! The big event is planned for November 2nd. Do they make coconut bras that big??? :-D


Ribbon winning layout!

Congratulations to Jenni C.! She actually posted 3 Halloween layouts to Feeling Scrappy, but her name only went in to the hat once for the drawing. I just loved all the embellies on this, including, HELLO! RIBBON!!! Thanks for playing Jenni!

We are into day two of "The Write Stuff" class at Feeling Scrappy and about half of the students have already completed the first assignment. So inspirational, seeing their layouts! I wish I could share, but it's not too late to join in the fun!

The only thing I've had time to scrap lately are the portraits we had done last month. Here is the title page from the second family portrait album. I used Cosmo Cricket's Dutch Girl kit and Daisy D's rub ons.

Enjoy your week and hopefully, I'll get back to the scrapping table soon and I'll be able to share "real" layouts! :-D