
Okie dokie!

This blog ain't called O' Scrappy Day for nuthin'! I thought I should probably post something scrappy, huh? LOL It's not much, but then again, I haven't scrapped much in May.

I took an old border set that I made for a swap years ago, back when I was using CM and Sizzix, and chopped it all up to make Glen an anniversary card. LOL I used the journaling box on the inside to write my love note on. ;-) Added a few flowers and bling and viola! Turn old into gold!


All Tied Up!

It's almost time for the Feeling Scrappy ribbon class! It's not too late to sign up and receive the grand opening special... you and a friend sign up and each one of you will get $5.00 off the price of the class. Check out everything you get!

* 4 weeks of instruction (specific classes on specific techniques)
* A private message board to share your work, get feedback, draw inspiration from others work and to cut up and have fun
* Scrappy Hour every weekend (don't want to give to much away but lets just say FUN and PRIZES!)
* A graduation Bash (More prizes!!)
* Special Class Blinkie
* 5 flowers from Ms. Free Bee for the month you take the class

Sound like fun? I thought so! But the special offer ends tomorrow, so hurry! Join me in some fun!!! :-)

Celebrating 20 years

Let me tell you something about my hubby... he's WONDERFUL! No, I'm not just saying that because I have to. LOL He's loving, thoughtful, kind, smart, tender and handsome. He's a perfect dad, a wonderful cook and one of my best friends. So, on this day, I want to thank my sweetie for 20 blissful years!


Sad news

One of my best friends called me today. Karen was just visiting us last weekend with her boyfriend, soon to be fiance, and everything was all happy. Today, she called to tell me that her soon to be 2 year old grandson passed away. This news was more breathtaking than any I've ever heard. While she was at work on Thursday, her daughter had laid him down for a nap, then took a nap herself. He crawled out of his crib and drowned in the pool. My heart is heavy with sadness. Godspeed Shane. Rest in peace.


My plans for June

The first Feeling Scrappy class is coming up and I plan on being All Tied Up! I'm so excited because I get to play too, even though I'm on the Creative Team! I haven't seen the classes or the layouts that the new Design Team has put together, so I'm anxious to see what they've got up their sleeves! At first, I was thinking "ya, I've used ribbon." But I'm told that even "I" will learn something new. Jayne should know, she's seen my layouts. So there ya have it! If I'm missing in action, y'all can find me on the private class board, whooping it up during Scrappy Hours. :-D


Happy Mom's Day!

I just wanted to take a minute to wish all my friends, scrappy and otherwise, a very happy and relaxing day! Let yourself be pampered! :-)


Photos make the layout

But you probably didn't need ME to tell you that. A friend of mine pointed me to the "sports" setting on my camera and WOWWIE! What a difference in action shots! I got these cool photos of Ethan "floating" in the air. It also gave me an excuse to use my new Cosmo Cricket lacing card and some paint! :-)

I won't get much of anything done for the next couple of weeks. We've got extra dance practices, a rehearsal and the recital on Saturday. But before that, Megan is coming home on Thursday for a couple of weeks. The Saturday after the recital, a friend of mine is coming into town for a long weekend. So if I go missing in action, you'll know why. It's all good! :-)


Come play with me!

I'm so excited about Feeling Scrappys Grand Opening crop tomorrow! Y'all REALLY need to check out some of the prizes that will be awarded! Unfortunately, no prizes for me, since I'm helping to host it, but there will be some lucky gals! I hope you'll come join us for some major FUN!!! You can read more about it at the Feeling Scrappy website. :-) That means that today it's cleaning house for me, so I can play guilt-free tomorrow. LOL


Aimes tagged me!

I wrote to Aimes and said what does that mean? I don't have my blogging license yet. She splained it to me. So, here you go. My tag was to reveal seven random facts/habits about myself and then tag seven others. I won't be tagging anyone, so no worries about falling off the face of the earth if you don't play. But if you WANT to play, I'm happy to read your blogs when they're updated! :-D

Seven random facts or habits... hmmm... thinking... how much do I really want to share with my bloggy and scrappy friends and will they still be my friends once I share? LOL

I'll think about it and come back and edit later. Right now, the bills are begging to be paid. In the meantime, go checkout what Aimes had to say. She makes me laugh out loud!


Okay, I'm back! (I can tell by all the comments, you've been waiting with baited breath... :rolling eyes: LOL Without further ado, here are 7 random tidbits about me:

1. I was a majorette in my younger days. Maybe you could guess this from all the twirly pics of my girls on my blog. They seem to have picked up the knack as well. :-)

2. I prefer my water flavored with lemon juice.

3. I don't like being submerged in water, whether it's the pool or the tub. Showers only for me please!

4. I have a glass of wine almost every day. Red. It's good for the heart, they say! :-D

5. I have FOUR best friends. I truly cannot distinguish which one is BEST because they are all awesome in their own ways, and for that, I am truly blessed.

6. I hate the fact that I smoke. I hate it so much that after each one, I brush my teeth. NASTY!

7. I hate when my girls "borrow" my personal effects. There are just some things that should never be shared: panties, socks, deoderant, toothbrushes, things like that. Call me fussy! LOL

So, aren't you glad I shared? :-D