I get the bad blogger award for sure! Thanks to those of you who wrote asking if everything was okay with me. :-) I'm fine, things have been a little nuts, but I HAVE been scrappy! Remember that cute
Twiddleybitz gate I showed you? Well, hubby says, "no, that's not right" so I used that one for this project. I wanted to wait to show you until it was in the shadowbox, but Hobby Lobby didn't have them 50% off last week. But y'all are smart enough to see it in a white shadowbox, right? :-)

I'll have another project to show you soon, I just need some finishing touches. ;-)
Do you see the trend here? NO PHOTOS??? Unless I want to go back to 1992, which I don't, I'm totally and entirely caught up with my photos, thus the "projects." This is good, and bad. Good, because I'm able to focus more on my pet projects, such as my book of me. And bad because, well, I have no photos to scrap! I have this brand new Nikon D80, and no pics of interest to take. :-/ C'mon spring! I love taking photos of my blooming things!