
My "Celebrate" card

Independence Day is one of my most favorite holidays! Aside from the fact that I'm very patriotic, love my country and am proud to be an American, I love that its a summer holiday, and it has fun stuff associated with it, like fireworks, barbeques and friends! I wish all of my American friends a happy and safe Fourth of July weekend. :-)

YITL challenge #26


Easy, right? Are you done yet? :-D Please share the link here to your creation when you're finished!


Getting down and scrappy!

It sure felt good to sit in my scrap room today. Here are a couple of creations. I also completed the card for tomorrows YITL challenge, but you'll have to check back tomorrow for that. ;-)

For this one, I used a sketch by Julie at 52 sketches. Have I mentioned how much I love her sketches? AND, there are prizes! Which is totally NOT why "I" do them, I just love her sketches. :-)

Here's one I did a few days ago using a sketch from Little Book of Sketches. Do you SEE that ugly bug? Yea, not a bug, but an exoskeleton, but STILL, GROSS! :-D

By the way, Little Book of Sketches also has ATC sketches, which are GREAT to use for the YITL cards. Thanks to Carrie on Scrapdango for that little tip! :-)

Have a great night and I'll see y'all tomorrow morning for the new YITL word! :-)


Hello, I'm cilantro!

Mexican food is my favorite food, and generally speaking, the spicier it is, the better I like it! And oddly enough, Mexico is one of the 3 countries I've been to. I have a bold personality and there are some people who can't stand me. BUT, most people love me! According to blogthings, I am distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial and wouldn't have it any other way. Sounds about right! :-D

Blog challenge # 26

What spice in a spice rack best represents you? Describe it.


My "Free" card

Man! Y'all kicked my butt this week with your cards! Great job getting your cards done! :-) I guess I haven't been in the right frame of mind, because it took me forEVER to think of something. As you can see, I finally did think of something that fits into my life this week. I'm not entirely thrilled with it, but with the pressure y'all put on me, I'm just glad to have it done! :-P


YITL challenge #25


Please link back to your creation when you're finished so we can see! :-)


Blog challenge # 25

Write about something once experienced while visiting a favorite town or city. Was the specific experience the reason that makes it one of your favorites? If not, write about what what it is that makes it your favorite town or city.


Happy Scrapurday!

Just thought I'd share a few things that I've been working on. :-)

This was the first time I used Glimmer Mist that I won from the NSD crop on Scrapdango. I inked the grungeboard, then sprayed with the mist. I love the effect! You probably can't see it in the photo as well as in real life. The paper is Prima Paintables.

Here is another layout for Peytons toddler to teen album. I used some chipboard letters that were RAKed to me by my scrappy friend Megan, using Basic Grey and Bazzill Bling paper. This is also my first layout with a water mark. I messed it up but if you look closely, you can see it on the right hand side in the middle. LOL

I couldn't wait to show y'all this PMS cclock! I'll probably show ya again when its completely finished. My friend Jessie sent a funny thing about what P.M.S. stands for and since I am (PMSing, LOL), I decided to make a PMS Time clock to hang in my scrap room! LOL It still needs the title and the ribbon hanger, but I thought it was pretty funny!

I'm not sure, but I think this is what is called hybrid. I used digital lemons and used Word to type the days of the week on them. Then I printed them up and cut them out. The paper is Karen Foster. I did the water mark better on this one. :-)

Thanks for looking! I hope y'all are having a scrappy weekend! :-)


My "Simple" card

I wasn't going to share this card because it's very personal, but then I thought "what the heck, we're among friends." :-) In keeping with documenting my year, I had to create a card showing my frustration with my current situation. With gas prices skyrocketing and the economy tanking, so goes it with our business. We have sunk every last penny into our business we're struggling to make ends meet. I'm thinking some of you can commiserate with me, so thats why I'm sharing. There are many cliches that pass through my head each day. This too shall pass. Everything happens for a reason. That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Maybe the better word for this week would have been determination. :-)

YITL challenge #24


Please link to your creations here when you're finished! :-)


Sweet Home Alabama

TOPIC: Places I never wanted to live

1. I'll never forget when we moved to South Florida.
2. I'll never forget when we moved to Pennsylvania.
3. I'll never forget when we moved to Alabama.

Oh yes, indeed, each one is a story. I'll write about the latter. Alabama. What does that conjure up in your mind? Yep, it did me too. :-D

To keep things in perspective, you have to remember that we moved from Pennsylvania to Alabama, so it was a move in the right direction. But Alabama? You've GOT to be kidding! When Glen started talking to a recruiter, he said the only places he didn't want to go were Alabama or Mississippi. Oh, the job is in Alabama, you say? Well, okay, we'll take a look. LOL

I remember the day we moved to Alabama like it was yesterday. It was one of the happiest days of my life. It was November 6th, 1993 and it was snowing as we left our home in Pennsylvania. We drove straight through to Birmingham, Alabama and it seemed like a heat wave when we arrived! (Although the locals thought I was crazy for wearing shorts! LOL) It was so beautiful. Flowers were blooming and our future looked bright once again. We lived at the Mountain Brook Inn for about a month, until we found and closed on our home in December and we've been here ever since. Nestled in the foothills of the Appalachians, there are gentle rolling hills and the seasons are moderate. We're only 4 hours to the Gulf of Mexico, so beach getaways are many. Love my sweet home Alabama! :-)


Blog challenge # 24

Choose a topic. (Weather, children, school, work, etc.) Write three sentences that begin with the words 'I'll never forget...' Then use one of your sentences in a paragraph, poem, or longer descriptive piece.


Weekend scraps

I got a few more pages done in Peytons toddler to teen album. This was a sketch challenge from Carrie at Scrapdango. :-)

For this one, I used a RAK from my scrappy friend Megan and I CASEd Robin's layout.

Now for a funny photo. I took this after I had posted my photo of the day on my other blog, otherwise, THIS would have been it! Check out this funny bunny! Who knew rabbits liked to swim? Or maybe they don't, maybe Muffin was just really hot, like the rest of us. LOL

I hope y'all had a great scrappy weekend also! :-)


Sharing todays creations

I just LOVE scrappy days! I spent the entire day scrapping and I'm all caught up on current photos. Here is one that I did for Peytons toddler to teen album. Wasn't she precious? :-D

This photo cracked me up. Glen came up with the title. :-D

I used a sketch from April Page Maps for this one. I just took these photos today, so as you can see, I wasn't kidding when I said I was caught up! LOL

Tomorrow is another scrappy day, so I'll probably have more of Peytons toddler to teen album to share. Thanks for looking! :-)

My "Care" card

A favorite quote of mine (author unknown) and one that I tend to live by. I "sewed" the quote on with Stickles. :-)

YITL challenge #23


Don't forget to link back here to your creation so we can see! :-)


The hills are alive

with the sound of music... there! is it stuck in your head now? LOL The Sound of Music was the first movie I saw on the big screen. I was about 8 years old, I think, and I was to go with my Brownie troop. My mother tried to get me all excited about it, but I just wasn't. Once I got there, I enjoyed the show and was enthralled with all the singing people. LOL But to this day, I do not enjoy watching movies, and particularly if they are at the movie theater. I avoid going at all costs because 1.) People are rude and I don't need them to throw their food or germs my way and 2.) there is almost no movie in recent history that is worth paying the exhorbitant cost of going to the show. I have patience and can wait the few months til it comes out on DVD to watch it in the comfort of my own home on my own time schedule. I'll pause it if I want to and if it was really good? I'll watch it AGAIN for the same price.


Happy birthday, Gram!

I can't believe my Gram is 95. To me, she's just as beautiful as she was when I was a little girl. Other than some hearing and vision loss, she's sharp as a tack and remembers things that I can't! LOL Love you Gram, and may you have 95 more! I know, God forbid. (thats what she tells me, LOL)

I used a sketch from a sketch site, but I can't remember which one.

Blog challenge # 23

What's the first movie you remember seeing at a theater? Write about how you felt it... the movie, the big screen, the volume, the crowd, etc. Do you enjoy going to theaters now? What is the last movie you saw at a theater?

Please link back here when you've updated! :-)