
Happy May!

Not only have I been a bad blogger, I've been a bad scrapper. Many of you may have heard about the devastating tornadoes that hit Alabama, and although my immediate family came out unscathed, it has affected many of my friends and family, including my grandbaby and his mom, who live in Tuscaloosa. They are fine, but their belongings are largely gone, as are business and roads and power is not expected to be restored for several weeks.

So, if you've wondered why I haven't been to visit all of your blogs, that is why. Hoping my life will return to some amount of normalcy after next weekends recital.

My shares with you are weather related, if you haven't already seen them on my Facebook. Here was the forecast from weather.com the morning of. The white "greatest risk" area? The forecast was EERILY ACCURATE.

And here is what it looked like over my house, not awful in comparison to the devastation west, north and east of us. :-( It's a miracle we were spared.

Here's hoping for a much calmer May. Scrappy hugs to all of you, thanks for checking in on me. :-)